Saturday, January 23, 2016


I know it's already the end of January, but I felt like doing some final thoughts about past year.

In 2015:
  • lost a close family member.
  • studied, learned and took classes in how to communicate, how to approach people with my emotions and thoughts, and how to help people understand me more. It's a real science and not so easy. Why don't they teach it at school?
  • visited a friend in mental hospital and opened up about sharing my own story.
  • learned programming. I started in February, now I'm able to write 1000+ lines of code in Java and Python. 
  • found out I have allergies, pursued going to the doctor until got a diagnose. after that I pursued cleaning my home until symptoms got better. my life is so much better now
  • studied entrepreneurship. I do have one idea that could work, but I'm still hesitant to start a company. but now I know how to do it.
  • went to  a town in my home country where I've never been before and fell in love with it. one day I want to rent a house there and to do handicraft and painting and reading books there ...for at least a month:)
  • went kayaking for the first time.
  • went to Thailand, where I'd never been before. it was a great trip, perfect vacation and mind opener about buddhism. it's the first religion I feel emotional and mental closeness with.  I have true respect for buddhist teachings.
  • started taking dance classes semi-regularly again (once or so a week). dancing makes me a better person, honestly.
  • discovered minimalism for myself. or rather discovered, that the way of life I enjoy has a name and I'm not the only weird one out there.
  • started meditating semi-regularly. It helped me with sleep issues, helped me deal with death in my family and the anxiety it brought. I wouldn't be sane if I hadn't picked it up.
  • got a job offer and rejected it. but still, the knowledge that I'm actually good enough to get a decent job is good. now I'm just going to learn more and more and get even better.


  1. It's never too late to reflect. I am glad you did, and I am happy that you were able to experience Thailand! That is want of my dream travel destinations. You did some amazing things last year, and I hope 2016 is even better for you!

